Besu is an Ethereum client designed for enterprise use. It supports various consensus mechanisms, including Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Authority (PoA). Besu can operate on both public and permissioned Ethereum networks, focusing on features like privacy and scalability. It is part of the Hyperledger project and is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling integration with existing Ethereum-based applications.
- Build forked Ethereum blockchain - IBFT 2.0 consensus on hyperledger besu
- Validator rewarding following VinDAX Standard
- Branding explorer following VinDAX Standard (logo & color)
- Brand Network Status monitor following VinDAX Standard
- MetaMask for Wallet
- Blockchain Documentation following VinDAX Standard
- Predefined maximum supply, time of blocks.
- Testnet Blockchain & Faucet App following VinDAX Standard.
- Fully compatible with MetaMask: just change the network.
- Fully compatible with all Ethereum's contracts and dapps.
BESU chain will need 8 servers information (set up Ubuntu server 20.04 lts, 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD)
Mainnet: 4 servers information (set up Ubuntu server 20.04 lts, 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD)
- Server 1: this will be in use to run APP/DAPPS - 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
- Server 2: this will be in use to run Mainnet Minner 1 - 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
- Server 3: this will be in use to run Mainnet Minner 2 - 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
- Server 4: this will be in use to run Mainnet Minner 3 - 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
Testnet: 4 serves information ( set up Ubuntu server 20.04 lts, Ram 8GB - CPU 2 - Storage 80 GB)
- Server 5: this will be in use to run APP/DAPPS - 4CPU 8GBRAM 80 GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
- Server 6: this will be in use to run Testnet Minner 1 - 2CPU 4GBRAM 40GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
- Server 7: this will be in use to run Testnet Minner 2 - 2CPU 4GBRAM 40GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
- Server 8: this will be in use to run Testnet Minner 3 - 2CPU 4GBRAM 40GBSSD - Ubuntu server 20.04 lts. Cost: $50/month
Total cost for 8 servers per month is $400.
- Servers are already set up with proper environment for blockchain fast deployment
- VinDAX support to renew your SSL
- VinDAX support to do blockchain operation maintenance by our dedicated first-class developers at no cost
- Chainkloud connects with blockchain monitoring tools, tracking and notifying of irregularities pertaining to your blockchain on Chainkloud's server. Active Blockchain Monitoring Tool(c) - ABMT(c) will scan every day and send you an email with the blockchain's state.
Check how to rent server on Chainlkoud here
1. Logo (around 800 x 300 ) -> for us to do the rebranding for explorer, docs pages, faucet, status monitoring This sample will help you to provide correct logo
2. Provide these criteria for building blockchain:
- Coin name and ticker. Ticker has 6 characters maximum
- Network name (similar to ERC20): Token created for ethereum chain is called erc20 token, so will token created on your chain be called?
- Time between each block (15s , 3s minimum): From 3s to 15s, choose only one option
- Total supply: Total number of native coins to be issued initially
- Block reward (optional): After every new block, new reward will be generated
- Block reward address (optional): Optional beneficiary of the blockreward. Defaults to the validator that proposes the block
3. Install metamask and connect with ethereum blockchain to get an address. This address will be used for receiving the premine coin, later when move to the network on metamask , we will use this address to manage premine coin
4. Provide us 4 servers information Provide IP; SSH Username; Root Password. (In case you don't rent servers from VinDAX)
- If you want to build testnet: provide 4 more servers (set up Ubuntu server 20.04 lts, Ram 8GB - CPU 2 - Storage 80 GB) refer to, at the shared CPU Plan or we can install nodes on same mainnet servers.
5. Configure domain point explorer for mainnet, explorer for testnet, faucet for testnet, rpc for mainnet, rpc for testnet, doccumentation and status page
6. Github log in info to upload the source code explore, blockchain