*Other info:
1. Github account & password to upload the source code explore, blockchain
-2. Logo
(around 800 x 300 ) -> for us to do the rebranding for explorer, docs pages,
faucet, status monitoring
This sample will help you to provide correct logo
-3. Provide
these criteria for building blockchain:
- Coin name and ticker. Ticker has 6 characters maximum
- Network name (similar to ERC20): Token created for ethereum chain is called erc20 token,
so will token created on your chain be called?
- Time between each block (15s , 3s minimum): From 3s to 15s, choose only one option
- Total supply: Total number of
native coins to be issued initially
- Default min gas price: 0 or 1.500000007 Gwei
We have 2 options now, you can choose one:
+ Min gas fee is 0 gwei always
+ Or min gas fee is around 1.500000007 Gwei and it can
increase depending on some factors of the chain/transaction
Your gas fee will be simliar to this
- Block explorer domain
-4. 7 servers
information Provide IP; SSH Username; Root Password. (In case you don't rent
servers from VinDAX)
-5. One
Telegram account with phone number to set up bot
6. Create an account on https://infura.io/register and after that give account
for us to create api link
7. On PC, using Chrome, install metamask and connect with ethereum blockchain to
get an address. This address will be used for receiving the premine coin, later
when move to the network on metamask , we will use this address to manage
premine coin